Kornish, Laura J. and Sharaya M. Jones, "Raw Ideas in the Fuzzy Front End: Verbosity Increases Perceived Creativity," Marketing Science, Articles in Advance 2021. download
Kornish, Laura J. and Jeremy Hutchison-Krupat, "Research on Idea Generation and Selection: Implications for Management of Technology," Production and Operations Management, 26(4), 633-651. download
Kornish, Laura J. and Karl T. Ulrich, "The Importance of the Raw Idea in Innovation: Testing the Sow's Ear Hypothesis," Journal of Marketing Research, 51(1), 14-26. download
Kornish, Laura J., Steven A. Lippman, and John W. Mamer, 2011, "Search and the Introduction of Improved Technologies," Naval Research Logistics, 58(6), 578-594. download
Kornish, Laura J. and Karl T. Ulrich, 2011, "Opportunity Spaces in Innovation: Empirical Analysis of Large Samples of Ideas," Management Science, 57(1), 107-128. download
Kornish, Laura J. and Qiuping Li, 2010, "Optimal Referral Bonuses with Asymmetric Information: Firm-Offered and Interpersonal Incentives" Marketing Science, 29(1), 108-121. download
Kornish, Laura J. and Ralph L. Keeney, 2008, "Repeated Commit-or-Defer Decisions with a Deadline: The Influenza Vaccine Composition," Operations Research, 56(3), 527-541. download
Kornish, Laura J., 2006, “Technology Choice and Timing with Positive Network Effects,” European Journal of Operational Research, 173(1), 268-282. download
Kornish, Laura J. and Carolyn B. Levine, 2004, "Discipline with Common Agency: The Case of Audit and Non-Audit Services," The Accounting Review, 79(1), 173-200. download
Diehl, Kristin, Laura J. Kornish, and John G. Lynch, Jr., 2003, "Smart Agents: When Lower Search Costs for Quality Information Increase Price Sensitivity," Journal of Consumer Research, 30(1), 56-71. download
Kornish, Laura J., 2001, "Pricing for a Durable-Goods Monopolist under Rapid Sequential Innovation," Management Science 47(11), 1552-1561. download
Kornish, Laura J., 1999,"On Optimal Replacement Thresholds with Technological Expectations," Journal of Economic Theory 89(2), 261-266. download