MGMT 4020:  Hiring and Retaining Critical Human Resources
Professor Joseph Rosse

Information about Exams and Grades

General Information about Exams

Review Information for Current Exam

Point distributions/grades for most recent exam

Have problems on the last exam, and wondering how to do better?  Click here for some tips. 

Miss an exam, or expect to miss an exam?  I have a no-fault policy for missing an exam--you don't need an excuse, just sign up to write a paper to substitute for the exam.  More information is in the syllabus, but don't forget that you need to talk with me before you start your paper, and we need to have that talk (and you need to compete a Paper Substitution Agreement) before the date of the next exam.  If you don't, you'll receive a zero for the exam you missed, and you really don't want to do that!

Paper Substitution Agreement (to make up for a missed exam)
(Complete and turn in AFTER talking with me about your makeup paper)





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