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Benign Violation Theory Blog Posts

October 30, 2013
Why are haunted housed funny?

October 16, 2013
A new benign violation: The funny camera angle

August 7, 2013
Finding funny in the lab

July 13, 2013
Another benign violation: The Success Kid Meme

June 26, 2013
Humor and Well-being

May 29, 2013
A professor walks into a MOOC…

April 24, 2013
A classic benign violation: the confetti bucket

March 19, 2013
Two ways to interpret a laugh

February 13, 2013
Wanted: GSOH

December 5, 2012
Free research idea: Optical illusions and humor

November 7, 2013
Guest Post by Nick Justicz: Parenthood and Infantile Humor

September 12, 2012
Guest Post by Nick Justicz: Humor and the Pianist

September 5, 2012
Trying to understand absurdity

July 18, 2012
Most things are not funny

July 11, 2012
Benign violation theory inspired benign violations

April 18, 2012
Talking to Humor Therapists

December 14, 2011
My Mad Men Inspired Humor Experiment

June 1, 2011
When is it “too soon” to tell a joke?

April 20, 2011
Guest Post by Alonzo Bodden: A comedian reads McGraw and Warren (2010)

February 7, 2011
Which is more violent? A) The Super Bowl or B) Super Bowl ads?

February 2, 2011
Why aren’t The New Yorker’s cartoons funnier?

December 15, 2010
Eight minutes with Louis C.K.

December 1, 2010
Guest post by Caleb Warren: Humor Theories – The Big Three

September 15, 2010
A brief introduction to the benign violation theory of humor

August 18, 2010
Guest post by Caleb Warren: Humor is more (and less) than incongruity

August 13, 2010
What is the most universal type of humor?

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