MGMT 4040: Individual, Team & Organization Development
Professor Joseph Rosse
Sample Project Papers
Some students find it helpful to look at project papers from prior semesters.
You are welcome to look at the attached papers (all of which received
high grades), but you should also be aware of a couple caveats.
First, and most important, content is far more important than using a particular
style. There are many perfectly acceptable ways of conveying the information
to a reader, and you are best finding a way that works well for you.
Blindly following the approach used in one of the sample papers may
result in disappointing results (particularly if the necessary content is
lacking). Look at a couple examples for ideas, but then adapt them
to meet your own style and the specifics of your project.
Standards for grading the papers may change slightly, as new material is
introduced in the class. Therefore a paper that received a high grade
in semesters past may no longer meet such a high standard in the current
semester. Therefore you should rely primarily on material presented
in class during the current semester, again using the sample papers only
for ideas to consider.
Technical (machine shop) Project
(Training Manual)
Retail Clothing Project (Report)
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