PowerPoint Lectures
The vast majority of class periods focus on discussion, mini-cases, or exercises supplemented with very brief lectures, for which I don't use PowerPoint. However, for a few of the more technical classes I use PowerPoints, and I have archived copies here for review purposes. If you decide to download the PowerPoint files, you can either use them on your own computer, or print them out in whatever format works best for you. Please realize, however, that all are copyrighted and are to be used only as a supplement to MGMT 4030; any other use is a violation of copyright and fair use laws. Also, realize that I am constantly updating and revising the slides, so the latest version may not always be available before class.
Skill-Based Pay (speaker) |
Job Evaluation |
Individual Pay Determination |
Exec Comp (Team 2) |
Pension Plans (Team 4) |
K-12 Pay for Performance (Team 1) |
Outsourcing Benefits (Team 3) |
Start-up Compensation (Team 5) |
NonMonetary Rewards (Team 8) |
Expatriate Compensation (Team 9) |
Small Business Benefits (Team 6) |
Health Insurance (Team 7) |