MGMT 3030

Critical Managerial and Leadership Skills




This course focuses on developing the skills needed to be an effective leader and manager.  As most of you will soon be taking managerial positions, we will be examining and evaluating techniques for managing individuals and groups.  Many of the topic areas should be familiar to you from BCOR 2300.  Our goal in this course is to learn how to translate the theories into more specific behaviors that will improve your ability to lead and manage individuals and groups. 


Our focus in this class (for the most part) will be applied.  My goal is that you walk away at the end of the semester with skills that you can apply throughout your organizational lives.  During the first part of the course we will focus largely on important management skills--the kinds of things you need to be successful in your day-to-day management of people.  During the last part of the course we will focus on leadership skills.  These skills are overlapping and mastering both leadership and managerial skills will contribute to your career success.


To enhance your competence in these areas we’ll first identify the critical skills, assess your current level of competence in each area, and practice the skill to improve your effectiveness.  There will be only a small amount of a traditional lecture format.  The bulk of class time will be devoted to role plays and group exercises.  The foundation for learning in this class comes from your reflection and analysis of your behavior in these role plays and exercises.